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Left Gate Lion

Lodge Of The Lions' Gate

Right Gate Lion

Raised as a Lodge of the Servants of the Light on July 29th 1994 Serving the S.O.L. in Cascadia

(Province of British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon State)


The Lodge of the Lions' Gate offers ritual training to SOL Students and seeks to further the aims of the SOL. Much of our practical work is concerned with protecting and healing the environment. Companions develop or adapt rituals to our specific intentions. Many of our rituals have a "Golden Dawn" flavour.

The group is small, but dedicated. Companions travel far, making sea voyages and crossing international borders, to attend Lodge meetings in Burnaby, BC. Unattached SOL Students are regularly invited to participate astrally in our Temple work through a Net Link-Up.

Membership Categories:

Companion: Students in good standing in the School (with the permission of their Supervisor), and Students who have completed the SOL First Degree Correspondence Course, who wish to participate in Temple Ritual Meetings on a regular basis.

Distance Companion: Qualified SOL Students who are unable to regularly attend Lodge of the Lions' Gate meetings because of travel constraints, but will link-up on the astral with Lodge Ritual Meetings on a regular basis. Distance Companions will be paired with an Office in the physical Temple.

Associate Companion:

  • Spouse, partner, or close friend of a Companion, who while not actively pursuing the SOL Course, is in sympathy with the aims of the School and the Lodge, will abide with Lodge decisions, practices and procedures, and will participate in Lodge Ritual Meetings on a regular basis;

  • Students of other Schools with aims and practices compatible with those of the Servants of the Light, and who wish participate in ritual training and work. Such students may be admitted on the same terms as SOL Students with the written consent of an officer, supervisor, or tutor of their mother organization.

N.B. In Temple work no distinction is made between the various categories; all participants are addressed as "Companion -- " or by the title of their Office.

For more details contact:

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